Wearing Happiness

Calm & Comfortable

At Westfield Nursery, we believe that our uniform reflects our identity and pride in ourselves! Our Nursery uniform is comfortable and appropriate for inquiry learning in the local climate and context.
Uniforms are available for purchase in reception. Should you have any questions, please speak to one of our admin team members who will be able to assist you.


Please remember that all uniforms look the same so it is really important that you label your child’s clothing.
Although we ask all our children to wear a uniform on a daily basis, we also ask our families to send a set of spare clothes to Nursery in case your child needs to change.
Please send your child to Nursery with the following items:

  • Nappies, pull-ups, cotton wool, wipes, nappy cream in a labelled bag (if required)
  • Spare clothes: Two spare sets of labelled clothes including items like a shirt, shorts, underwear etc.
  • Outdoor play: Labelled sun hat and sun cream (if required) and special clothing required for the day (Eg: for water play or messy day).
  • Snack and lunch: Please send your child to Nursery with an insulated, labelled lunch box/bag for morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack.
  • Please pack water.

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